Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Camp Lingo

In order to blend in with all of us down at EYMC, here is some vocabulary that you should be familiar with.

  • FOBBY - Flat on your bunk by yourself / Flat on your back by yourself
    Time after lunch to rest and re-cooperate so that everyone can be ready for the excitement of the afternoon.
  • SHAFT - Super Happy Awesome Fun Time
    All the high school age campers meet to talk and bond, while the younger campers play games on the field.
  • White Sock- Every day our co-deans will inspect the cabins, and during lunch they announce the winner of the White Sock award. This is very competitive, as the winner of the White Sock will get a free canteen item, the privilege of being first in line to canteen, as well as an actual white sock to display in their cabin.
  • No Hands Dessert- This is exactly what it sounds like. Campers will often compete to see who can eat their dessert the fastest without using their hands. (And who can get the messiest face.)
  • Activity time vs. Free time - While both are chances for campers to relax in the afternoon, these are two different things. Activity time is where there are specific activities that the campers have to chooses from such as swimming in the pool, playing basketball, swing dancing, and arts and crafts. Free time is less structured, giving the campers a chance to just hang out. This time is also when the canteen is open, and we can buy candy, snacks, and EYMC gear.

  • When a time is announced, a proper response to "Be ready for lunch at 12." is "No Way Man, 11:55" This is to remind people to be EARLY.

EYMC Leadership Team Dance

Here is a video of the LT using a bit of musical theater magic to teach an important lesson at the talent show.


Would you like to see more of the camp experience?

Juli has been taking pictures and videos and posting them on Facebook and YouTube.

Links here: Facebook and YouTube